Settling in a new country with no connections whatsoever – Stockholm.

When I moved to Stockholm, I was naive. I thought that my master’s degree and experience with big agencies and Moroccan clients would open all the doors for me. It wasn’t easy! I had to push many doors and deal with many rejections to finally get a school photographer job for three months. But soon, my employer recognized my true potential and offered me bigger responsibilities.

Before long, I became the company’s art director, leading my department and handling art direction, innovation, and product development for all products and services. The company was voted the third-best workplace in Sweden for several consecutive years. I loved the flat hierarchy, leadership style, and respect for work-life balance. I had great bosses and colleagues and many opportunities for learning and growth. I worked hard, bought an apartment, and thought I was successful.

However, something was always missing. Sweden never felt like home, even after years of living there. I was far from the ocean and the surf, my relationships were shallow, and the winter darkness was heavy. I felt lonely and confused but kept putting on a facade because “I should be happy.” Eventually, I became depressed and burned out, experiencing one of the biggest lows in my life.

It was only after reaching out for help and spending time back home in Morocco that I reconnected with myself. I realized I had been living far from my core values, pursuing things that were expected of me rather than what truly mattered to me.

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Rediscovering My Passion

Returning to surfing was a turning point. Surfing taught me so much:

  • Grit and Resilience: Surfing isn’t easy to learn; it takes months or even years to master. I learned to fail repeatedly, step out of my comfort zone, and stay calm under pressure.
  • Seizing Opportunities: Surfing is all about timing, being in the right place at the right moment to take off and ride. This taught me to leverage opportunities when they present themselves.
  • Patience and Adaptability: Some days are better than others, and driving for hours to find no waves meant I just needed to keep showing up.
  • Mindfulness and Presence: When surfing, you must give your full attention to what you are doing. This taught me to focus and enter a state of flow.
  • Humility and Curiosity: Exploring new cultures and traditions while visiting different oceans taught me to stay humble and curious.

Finding Purpose and New Beginnings

Back in Sweden, I became increasingly interested in human behavior and positive psychology. I devoured books, attended seminars, and talked about growth mindset, values, and behavior with everyone I met. Surfing remained my anchor, and its lessons became integral to my personal and professional life.

I took my first coaching training, which was empowering and mind-blowing. I invested thousands of dollars in world-class courses, seminars, and workshops. I interviewed entrepreneurs, athletes, and experts on how they mastered their craft. I absorbed every piece of knowledge and experimented with new ideas to broaden my skills and experience.

Later that year, a trip to the US sparked a new business idea. Inspired by the convenience of apps like Uber and Airbnb, I envisioned a platform for surf and yoga lovers. This idea gave me a renewed sense of purpose.

From Idea to Reality

Back in Sweden, I started looking for a tech team to build my start-up. I was already coaching privately and developing my network. I transferred my accumulated skills from over 10 years of experience in art direction, communication, and product development into my new venture. I applied every tool and strategy I learned from surfing and my coaching training. I was meditating, visualizing, and operating at my best.

Embracing Change and Moving to Bali

A few years earlier, I took a trip to Indonesia and surfed some of the best waves in the world. Bali, the island of the gods, became my obsession. Suddenly, it all made sense. My surf and yoga start-up and coaching business couldn’t find a better home. The ocean and waves amplified my joy for life, and the diverse people provided the perfect place to test my products and services.

I sold my belongings and moved to Indonesia, where I spent the best five years of my life. Bali allowed me to deepen my practices and knowledge of Eastern philosophy. I improved my meditation, took more coaching training, and learned from the best practitioners in the world. It was like being in an international school with a rich flow of clients from all over the world.

Bounce Back with coaching

Achieving Success

In Bali, I structured my life to maximize productivity and happiness. I woke up at 5 am, did my morning routines, surfed, joined yoga or fitness sessions, ate clean, and had a rich social life. I produced my best work and eventually sold my surf & yoga start-up.

My coaching business grew tremendously. I helped founders, coaches, athletes, sports teams, and organizations worldwide while having a family and parenting. I had found my purpose and was living my best life.

bouncing back



Setbacks and comebacks are part of the journey. My experience taught me that true happiness comes from living aligned with your core values and pursuing what truly matters to you. Embrace the lessons from your passions, seize opportunities, and stay curious. Life’s waves may be challenging, but riding them leads to growth and fulfillment.

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